Sep 25Liked by Kalihi Valley Druid

"I’m starting to figure out that all those mistakes and frustrations are actually a gold mine"

My twenties were basically consumed by a long slog through the Wasteland of modern life. Materially, I was fine, but psychologically, it was a decade-long walk through the drizzling shits.

But I had to go through with it. It was my Initiation of the Nadir, and without that, I wouldn't have built up the determination I needed for my spiritual path, and I wouldn't have known what direction to go. I had to see the Abyss at the heart of the carnival of modernity.

Anyway, I'm seeing some indications that it's going to be a hard fucking winter.

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My 20s felt like living in a mental prison for narcissists, but I had no frame of reference to know there was anything better out there. Thank the gods that I finally escaped.

Btw I was originally going to call this one Winter is Coming but the moon had other ideas.

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Sep 25Liked by Kalihi Valley Druid

There are indeed unsurfable Waves...


Once we realize it and accept it our Existence reaches a new level of Balance.

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And now comes the wave of premature deaths and people finally admitting they were manipulated and betrayed. Not looking forward to this part.

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