May 29Liked by Kalihi Valley Druid

"Survival strategies for the astral zombie apocalypse turn this model on it’s head. The most effective approach in this reality is to become a beacon of light to the lost, a friendly voice of reassurance for the doubtful, an example of self control amongst the wicked, and a reminder of what the world could be like if we put all the selfish conventional brainwashing aside and started developing our true inner potential."

This passage *sang* to me. Thank you!

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I truly hope we are at Peak Spiritual Leprosy. Rudolph Steiner predicted that vaccination would lead to people being cut off from their own higher selves. He wasn't always right but I think he hit a bull's eye with that one. I shudder to think of where I would be without my own daily Sphere of Protection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsD3LkfgFVs Don't forget that an amulet can also help, plus they are easy natural magic. For those who are unaware, an amulet is a little cloth bag of salt with a small bent iron nail inside it that you wear on your person, typically on a cord/necklace chain as a pendant. It exerts a protective influence on the etheric plane and can truly hurt people who consciously or subconsciously try to exert their will over you.

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"Cut off from their higher selves," is a more accurate description for what I've seen than "neurological damage." Yes, there's a lot of stupidity, frustration, distraction, and co fusion - but what I notice most of all is a reversion to "lower" emotions, spiritually speaking. Vindictiveness, cursing, condescension.

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